Yes, Covid-19 is on the rise. Yes, the media bombards us with stories that make us want to curl up and pull the blankets over our eyes. Regardless, short of an inter-provincial travel ban, you can visit Kimberley, BC this winter safely and be welcomed by our tourism community. Here's how:
1) Plan Your Travel: figure out where to fuel up on your drive to Kimberley (touchless pay at the pump). Mask up.
2) Curbside Pick Up of Groceries: our Hospitality Guide - Local Recommendations is updated for online ordering from Save-On-Foods and Stoke Market in Kimberley. Grab your goodies on your way into town. Mask up.
3) No Contact, Check-In: our vacation rentals are self-check-in and keyless entry.
4) Lift Ticket Drop at Your Rental: avoid Guest Services and let us pick up and deliver your lift tickets (we'll try to help).
5) Play Safe: abide by Resorts of the Canadian Rockies - Ski Kimberley Covid-19 policies
6) Shop Local: our local economy is dependent upon your spend. Our amazing local restaurants and shops have all pivoted to allow safe shopping and take-out dining. See the guide. Mask up.
7) Make Memories: the Covid challenges will pass with time.

We need your visitation. You need healthy, memory-making mountain adventures with those you love. We're in this together.
Tod Caton, Proprietor
Simply Kimberley